Monday, November 30, 2009
Science Test~~~Chapitre 3
- Soutient et lie les differents parties du corps
- La graisse, le cartilage, les tendons, les os et le sang
-Le Tissu Nerveux
- Transmet et reçoit l'influx nerveux
- Le cerveux, la moelle épinière et les nerfs
-Le Tissu épithélial
- Couvre la surface de ton corps
-Le Tissu Musculaire
- Se contracte pour assurer les mouvements
- Le muscle cardiaque, les muscles lisses
Les Trois types de tissu végétaux
-Le Tissu de protection
- Enveloppe la plupart des végétaux
- Prévient la perte d'eau et protège la plante
-Le Tissu photosynthétique
- Transforme l'énèrgie solaire en sucre
-Le Tissu Conducteurs
- Contient les cellules creuses
- Transportent la nourriture et l'eau dans la plante
*Organes du plante est sur la page 64 dans ton livres science!
3.2~Les systèmes d'organes
Les organes ne travaillent pas seul.
Les systèmes d'organes du corps humain:
-Le système squelettique
- Formé des os et du cartilage
- Soutient le mouvement et des points d'attache aux autres tissus
- Protège les autres organes
-Le système musculaire
- Muscles, tendons et ligaments
- The permet de déplacer
-Les systèmes circulatoire
- Formé du coeur, les vaisseau sanguins et du sang
- Transporte les nutriments, les gaz et les déchets
-Le système resporatoire
- Le nez, la trachée et les poumons
- Oxygéne entre
- Dioxyde de carbon sort
-Le sysème nerveau
- Le cerveaux, la moelle épinière et les nerfs
- Envoie et reçoit des messages nerveaus
- Controle le comportement, le mouvement, la digestion at la circulation
-Le Système digestif
- La bouche, les glandes salivaires, l'oesophage, l'estomac, le foie, la vésicule billaire, le pancreas, l'intestin grêle et des gros intestin
- Décompose la nourriture et évacue les déchets solides
-Le système excreteur
- Les reins, les uretères, la vessie, l'urète
- Filtre le sang et évacue les déchets liquides et l'eau
-Le système tégumentaire
- Le peau, les poils, les ongles, les glandes sudoripares
- Couvre et protèges le corps
- Maintient la températeur normale du corps....produit de la sueur
-Le systéme endocrinien
- Hypophyse, thyroide, pancreas
- Les glandes qui produisent des hormones
-Le systeme Lymphatique
- Lymphe, les ganglions lymphatiques, le tissu lymphoide
- Protège le corps
- évacue les organismes encaisseurs
-Le systèmes Reproduction (The one we missed)
- Organes qui assures la reproduction di asspesses (Ask Thara about that one, I'm not sure if I got all of it)
And that's it, your welcome!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Just Some Meghan Quotes
Quotes Made By Meghan focused On ME, Breanna.
“There will come a day when breanna passes away, and there will be peace on our humble earth. Breanna is cramping the earths style.” -Meg 16:09
“Life is like a Breanna, you never know when it's gonna turn red.” -Meg 19:04
“If we were all as smart as Breanna, nothing would ever happen. Or get done.” -Meg 17:06
“Some people are born to suck. (Ex. Breanna.)-Meg 18:05
“If everyone had fingers like Breanna's, we could put an end to world hunger. SAUSAGES FOR ALL.”-Meg 13:23
“It's been said that everyone has a clone, Breanna's is obviously Aria Wallace.”-Meg 12:09
"Breanna is a loser and we all know it.” -Meg 16:00
"Breanna is both the cure AND the cause for cancer. " -Meg 18:00
"It is said that geniuses walk among us. Breanna is proof of that.........Not." -Meg 5:24
"If Breanna was God, we would have all died already. Duh." -Meg 22:54
"Some are destined for greatness. Not Breanna." -Meg 16:27
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hacker Problems and Update on Bella
Bella is doing great..I think. Meghan's family found a more creative way of keeping Bella from wering a cone around her head so now she doesn't have to. We cut off the sleeve of an old pajama shirt, and cut holes for her legs.... She looks like a sausage but at least she can pee and sleep comfortably. :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Under The Knife
God Bless Bella
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
An Update
Here is the Saw Music Theme song which is the best! The best part is from 2:10 and on but the whole song is great, it's like our anthem!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Bunny Swan
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
B= Beautiful (Sarcastically...)
R= Ridiculous
E= Envious
A= Annoying
N= Nothing Special
N= Nerdy
A= An Ass
So I sent her this:
M = Mean
E = Elf
G = Greedy
H = Hairy
A = Abusive
N = Not Normal
Saturday, November 14, 2009
ICreep Video Two
Here is Video number 2. Remember that our voices sound retarted in these video's, especially mine. I don't sound like a man and we DO NOT sound like this in real life. At 15-16 seconds, you will probably here like this grunt sound. Ignore it, I was playing with the buttons while video taping and I hit something that I wasn't supposed to. Anyways, enjoy!
Hello Hello Hello
ICreep Video One
Here is the first video of ICreep! Please note that our voices (especially mine) soudn really wierd and unnormal. We DO NOT sound like this in real life! I sound really manish! LOL.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Blogging Begins.....
Who the hell are Meghan and Breanna? Meg and Bre (For short) Are a pair of super-cool (On Meghan’s part) Teens (On Meghan’s part) Who are best friends, and love eachother dearly. (On Breanna’s part.) We’re in grade eight at (blank) school. It’s the worst school in the universe but then again, it’s BLANK. We’ve learned not to expect much.
Why are they writing this seemingly pointless and boring BLOG? Well, hate to say it, but we don’t really have a reason. One day while waiting for our tardy little TOI to arrive, (we’ll get to her later) we decided to film some stupid videos on Breanna’s beloved, spoiled camera. We thought they were funny… And the BLOG was born. That, and we also had nothing better to do.
Can you tell me some facts about Meg and Bre?
- Breanna and Meghan live in Ottawa, Ontario. (No, you’re NOT getting more info. Easy there Stalker.)
- Meghan lives with her mom, dad, little sister and Dog. (The dog is an adorable Yorkie named Bella.)
- TWILIGHT SUCKS. It’s god-awful. But Breanna likes it!
- Breanna lives with… Two separate families. Parentals are divorced. Sucks to be her but she has a cat named Scribbles who is the love of her life!
- Were big fans of ICarly. Or rather, the name. We don't watch the show!
- Aria Wallace rocks our world. Yes, were serious.
Anyways, now that you’ve got the 411 on us, we’d love to hear your comments on our BLOG. Keep in mind that this is still a work in progress, therefore it’s nowhere near being done. And I can almost guarantee you this will be another project Breanna and I will briefly take up and then drop. But, for the sake of the general public, we’ll refrain from deleting it, and just keep writing it. I think. Unless we get busy. Maybe. No promises.
Meghan and Breanna (DON’T STALK ME PLEASE)
P.S. Meg wrote this, you will learn how to tell who's writing is who's