Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An update and Aria

Heey. We havn't updated in a while. Meghan hasn't in like forever. We don't have much to talk about. I PROMISE that I will have the pictures on friday since I go back to my moms house friday morning! Oh, forgot to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone.

So, if your looking for any blogs to read, check out http://www.ariawallace.com/blog/ . Aria Wallace recently completed her 40 day challange. The 40 day challenge was something that she took part in where she wasn't aloud to use the internet, tv or cellphone/home phone for 40 days. But she was aloud to use the computer to update her blog. Check out some of her video's, there quite funny! Here was the very first video explaning what she was going to do. In our opinion (Me, Arash, Sohrab and Meghan) its all (or was all) a bunch of BULLSHIT! lol.

Aria Wallace Everybody!

If this post interested you and you would like to learn more about Aria Wallace and/or her 40 day challenge then go to her website since she doesn't update her blog anymore. http://ariawallace.com You can also visit her youtube page which is "Therealariawallace"


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