Friday, November 13, 2009

The Blogging Begins.....

Heeeeeyy there! Welcome to Meghan and Breanna’s totally awsomazable BLOG. Before you press the ‘BACK’ button and get the hell outta here, you could take a quick peek at some of our fun-tastic videos and pictures. Hope you’ll like them! Here’s the answers to any possible questions you may have:

Who the hell are Meghan and Breanna? Meg and Bre (For short) Are a pair of super-cool (On Meghan’s part) Teens (On Meghan’s part) Who are best friends, and love eachother dearly. (On Breanna’s part.) We’re in grade eight at (blank) school. It’s the worst school in the universe but then again, it’s BLANK. We’ve learned not to expect much.

Why are they writing this seemingly pointless and boring BLOG? Well, hate to say it, but we don’t really have a reason. One day while waiting for our tardy little TOI to arrive, (we’ll get to her later) we decided to film some stupid videos on Breanna’s beloved, spoiled camera. We thought they were funny… And the BLOG was born. That, and we also had nothing better to do.

Can you tell me some facts about Meg and Bre?
- Breanna and Meghan live in Ottawa, Ontario. (No, you’re NOT getting more info. Easy there Stalker.)
- Meghan lives with her mom, dad, little sister and Dog. (The dog is an adorable Yorkie named Bella.)
- TWILIGHT SUCKS. It’s god-awful. But Breanna likes it!
- Breanna lives with… Two separate families. Parentals are divorced. Sucks to be her but she has a cat named Scribbles who is the love of her life!
- Were big fans of ICarly. Or rather, the name. We don't watch the show!
- Aria Wallace rocks our world. Yes, were serious.

Anyways, now that you’ve got the 411 on us, we’d love to hear your comments on our BLOG. Keep in mind that this is still a work in progress, therefore it’s nowhere near being done. And I can almost guarantee you this will be another project Breanna and I will briefly take up and then drop. But, for the sake of the general public, we’ll refrain from deleting it, and just keep writing it. I think. Unless we get busy. Maybe. No promises.

Meghan and Breanna (DON’T STALK ME PLEASE)

P.S. Meg wrote this, you will learn how to tell who's writing is who's

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