Saturday, November 28, 2009

Just Some Meghan Quotes

Quotes Made By Meghan focused On ME, Breanna.

“There will come a day when breanna passes away, and there will be peace on our humble earth. Breanna is cramping the earths style.” -Meg 16:09

“Life is like a Breanna, you never know when it's gonna turn red.” -Meg 19:04

“If we were all as smart as Breanna, nothing would ever happen. Or get done.” -Meg 17:06

“Some people are born to suck. (Ex. Breanna.)-Meg 18:05

“If everyone had fingers like Breanna's, we could put an end to world hunger. SAUSAGES FOR ALL.”-Meg 13:23

“It's been said that everyone has a clone, Breanna's is obviously Aria Wallace.”-Meg 12:09

"Breanna is a loser and we all know it.” -Meg 16:00

"Breanna is both the cure AND the cause for cancer. " -Meg 18:00

"It is said that geniuses walk among us. Breanna is proof of that.........Not." -Meg 5:24

"If Breanna was God, we would have all died already. Duh." -Meg 22:54

"Some are destined for greatness. Not Breanna." -Meg 16:27

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