Friday, November 20, 2009

Bunny Swan

Today - November 20 - Breanna, Arash, Sohrab, Sonia and I presented our drama skit to our class. The assignment was to read a page of Shakespeare lines while making it modern/original/creative/entertaining. Ultimately, it proved to be impossible. Our skit revolved around an old MAD TV character named Bunny Swan - Someone NOBODY had heard of - And a murder investigation. Our main story line focused on direct copyrights from the Saw movies, which Mrs. Mcillveen (Drama Teacher) Trashed us for. All in all, it was really fun to do, and I think the audience liked it (even though it was slightly difficult to follow at times) but stupid Killveen ended up giving us a solid B. Since three of the five people in our group are really smart, over-acheiving, practically geniuses - No offence whatsoever to them... - An average mark was simply unnacceptable. Anyway, not our best skit ever, but still pretty good.
Long Live Nancy W

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